
  • Workshops

    UVA Research Computing provides training opportunities covering a variety of data analysis, basic programming and computational topics. All of the classes listed below are taught by experts and are freely available to UVa faculty, staff and students.
    Upcoming Workshops DATE WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR There are currently no training events scheduled. Please check back soon! Research Computing is partnering with the Research Library and the Health Sciences Library to deliver workshops covering a variety of research computing topics.
    All Upcoming Workshops from UVA Library Research Data Services
    All Upcoming Workshops from UVA Health Sciences Library

  • LOLAweb

    The past few years have seen an explosion of interest in understanding the role of regulatory DNA. This interest has driven large-scale production of functional genomics data resources and analytical methods. One popular analysis is to test for enrichment of overlaps between a query set of genomic regions and a database of region sets. In this way, annotations from external data sources can be easily connected to new genomic data.
    SOM Research Computing is working with faculty in the UVA Center for Public Health Genomics to implement LOLAweb, an online tool for performing genomic locus overlap annotations and analyses. This project, written in the statistical programming language R, allows users to specify region set data in BED format for automated enrichment analysis.