
  • Compilers and UVA HPC

    UVA HPC offers multiple compiler bundles for C, C++, and Fortran. Different compilers have different strengths and weaknesses and different error messaging and debugging features, so users should be willing to try another one when appropriate. The modules system manages the compiler environment and ensures that only compatible libraries are available for loading.
    Many users of compiled languages are working with codes that can employ MPI for multinode parallel runs. MPI users should first understand how their chosen compiler works, then see the MPI instructions at our parallel programming page.
    Compiled languages can be more difficult to debug, and the assistance of a good debugger can be essential.

  • Building Your Code on the HPC System

    Building your Application Creating an executable from source with a compiled language requires two steps, compiling and linking. The combination of these is generally called building. The output of the compiler is generally an object file, which on Unix will end in a .o suffix. Object files are machine code and are not human-readable, but they are not standalone and cannot be executed. The linker, which is usually invoked through the compiler, takes all object files, along with any external libraries, and creates the executable (also called a binary).
    Compilers are invoked on source files with a line such as