
  • Storage FAQs

    Accidental File Deletions Why Lease Storage Leased Storage Options File Transfer with Globus Permission Denied Error with Globus Help! I deleted my files accidentally! What can I do? Your home directory contains a hidden directory .snapshot which is not visible even with ls -a. Change into that directory to find timestamped versions of your home directory. Snapshots are created once per day. For GPFS Research Project (leased) storage, the directory is /gpfs/gpfs0/project/.snapshots. For non-GPFS Research Project storage, the directory is /project/.snapshot. Neither Research Standard (leased) nor Rivanna/Afton scratch storage is backed up in any way. Why should I lease storage?
  • Rivanna and Afton FAQs

    General Usage Allocations Research Software Job Management Storage Management Data Transfer Downloading Files Other Questions General Usage How do I gain access to Rivanna/Afton? A faculty member must first request an allocation on the HPC system. Full details can be found here.
    How do I log on to Rivanna/Afton? Use an SSH client from a campus-connected machine and connect to login.hpc.virginia.edu. Instructions for using ssh and other login tools, as well as recommended clients for different operating systems, are here. You can also access the HPC system through our Web-based interface Open OnDemand or FastX.
    Off Campus?