Research Standard and Research Project storage can be mapped to your Windows or Mac computer as a remote drive. If you are off Grounds you must be running a VPN, such as the UVA Anywhere or the More Secure VPN from ITS. We recommend the More Secure VPN if that is available to you.


  • Open a File Explorer page. In the left column, right click on This PC. In the drop-down box that appears, look for the Map Network Drive option. If you do not see this option, click on Show more Options, and then click on Map network drive….

  • When the Map Network Drive dialog box appears, select a letter for the drive.This will be the location on your PC where you will be able to access your storage.

  • Also in the Map Network Drive dialog box, type the path for your storage location in the Folder field.

    • For Research Standard storage, the path starts with \\\ followed by your storage share name, for example \\\mylab-storage
      • If you have ceph storage ( you may have to enter ESERVICES\mst3k (with your own user ID) rather than your user ID alone.
    • For Research Project storage, the path starts with \\ followed by your storage share name, for example \\\mylab-storage.
  • If you want the mapped drive to remain after a shut-down or reboot, check the box for Reconnect at sign-in

  • If your laptop does not use you UVA ID and password for logging in, check the box for Connect using different credentials. When it asks you to authenticate, use your UVA id (e.g. mst3k) and your Eservices password.

  • Select Finish.

Note that you must use backslashes even if the path provided to you used forward slashes.


  • From the Finder menu, select Go->Go To Folder->Connect To Server. A dialog box should appear with smb:// filled in.

  • Type the path you were given.

    • For Research Standard storage the path starts with // followed by your storage share name, for example smb://
    • For Research Project storage the path starts with // followed by your storage share name, for example smb://
  • Enter your Eservices credentials when prompted, then click Connect.

Note that for Mac OSX we use forward slashes.


Special arrangements must be made with Research Computing to export shares to a Linux workstation.