Support Options

Request Help

Open a support ticket with your specific questions or issues.


Request, purchase, or modify your Afton/Rivanna HPC allocations.


Manage your shared Research Project or Research Standard storage volumes.

Ivy Projects

Perform your research on a HIPAA-compliant computing platform.


Request information or support for an ACCORD project. Learn more.

Container Services

Run your container-based service in our Kubernetes cluster. Learn more.

User Guides

Learn about systems, storage, data transfer, image analysis or tools.

FAQ / Knowledgebase

Search topics or post your own related to research computing.


Read more about pricing for SUs, Ivy virtual machines, storage, and more.

Office Hours

Research Computing staff host weekly office hours. Tell us about a project idea or talk to us about our high performance computing platforms, storage and services. We’re here to help you solve your computational problems.

Examples of the type of support we can provide are:

  • Data Transfer/Access
  • Parallel Coding in Fortran, C, Python, R, Matlab, Mathematica
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Software Installation and Containers
  • Image Processing
  • Writing Slurm Job Scripts
  • Maximizing Job Efficiency
  • Managing Computational Workflows

We offer office hours as online Zoom sessions twice a week. No appointments required.

New to High-Performance Computing?

We offer orientation sessions to introduce you to the Afton & Rivanna HPC systems on Wednesdays (appointment required).