DAC Analytics Resource Awards


To facilitate access to the Data Analytics Center services and empower researchers to advance their research, we offer the Analytics Resource Awards.

The focus of the Award will be on projects that

i) involve data-intensive research, where the data can be text, images, videos, business data, genomic data, sensor data, geospatial data, etc., and

ii) demonstrate potential for future funding.

The Award

Initially, DAC will offer small awards (up to $10,000 worth of services). At a later date, we will announce opportunities for larger awards.

Recipients of the Awards will receive vouchers that may be used toward the Data Analytics Center services, such as the collaboration of DAC team members.

Award Guidelines

Eligibility: The principal investigator must hold faculty status at UVA to be eligible for an Analytics Research Award.

Funding Limit: Although the awards will be in the form of vouchers, the use of the voucher may not exceed $10,000.

Maximum Proposal Duration: 18 months

Approved Activities: The activities in the proposal should be related to the acquisition, storage, or analysis of data as it relates to a research project. Priority will be given to proposals that request collaborative services of the Research Computing team.

Timelines for 2024:

Start Date
8 Jan. 2024 5 Feb. 2024 1 Mar. 2024
8 Apr. 2024 6 May 2024 1 Jun. 2024
8 Jul. 2024 5 Aug. 2024 1 Sep. 2024
7 Oct. 2024 4 Nov. 2024 1 Dec. 2024

Before you apply: We highly recommend that you have a consultation meeting with a DAC member to discuss the services that you are planning and what the budget will look like for those services. You can request a consltation by submitting this online support request form .

Application Requirements: To apply for the Analytics Research Award, the PI will submit a proposal (2 pages maximum, Calibri 11 pt. font) that includes:

  • The PI’s name, computing ID, and department,
  • A title for the project,
  • A description of the project and its goals,
  • A description of the type(s) of data collected for the project and how the data will be used to meet the goals of the project,
  • A description of how the Analytics Research Award will support the goals of the project, including the use of vouchers to obtain services,
  • A plan for how the Analytics Research Award will lead to future support (e.g., external grants or other funding) for this or subsequent projects.
  • An attachment with a budget showing the services and expected costs that the Award would cover. The attachment will not count toward the two-page limit.

Submission Process: Email your proposal, in PDF format, to [email protected]. The subject line for the email must be “Analytics Resource Proposal”. You may include a brief cover letter in the body of the email.

We encourage you to follow these instructions precisely to ensure that your proposal is received and processed correctly. After your email is received, we will secure a copy of your proposal and review that copy. We will not consider any changes that you make to the proposal after we have received it.

Evaluation Criteria: The proposals will be evaluated on:

  • The completeness of the submission,
  • The clarity of the descriptions – the reviewers may not be familiar with the PI’s discipline,
  • The diversity of the data,
  • How this Award will advance your research.

Voucher Disbursement

After the Awards recipients have been announced, the Data Analytics Center will work with the PI to determine the disbursement of the Award vouchers.

Publicity & Communication

  • The PI must acknowledge Research Computing in any publication, presentation, or poster that results from the work done on the Award.
  • At the end of the Award, the PI must agree to have a blurb about the research project posted on the Research Computing website